Third party logistics providers to play big role in future of shipping

By partnering with a third party logistics provider, organizations will be able to meet tomorrow's challenges.
The biggest takeaways from a new study show that slow economic growth, increased near-shoring and the demand for new skill sets are three of the more important threads when it comes to the future of the industry.

Is the trucking industry on the verge of change?

The trucking industry could see some changing coming soon.
After the Mid-American Trucking Show last weekend, there appears to be some major changes coming to the trucking industry.

Logistics market increasing because of e-commerce

E-commerce is helping the logistics landscape boom.
For businesses venturing into the online landscape for the first time, handling the transactions and managing the supply chain and deliveries can be a monumental undertaking.

Drone delivery needs to 'improve by magnitudes' to be effective

Drone delivery is a long way from being practical.
According to industry executives, drone delivery is a long way down the road.

More companies looking to improve delivery fleets

More businesses are looking to upgrade their delivery vehicles.
For many companies, without reliable vehicles, they are as good as done.