To place a new shipping order, or to receive a quote from Reliable Runners®, select the New Order tab within ezrunner.
Information that is populated in the My Profile / User Information section of ezrunner is used to pre-populate sender information. You can edit this information if needed.
You can minimize the amount of time it takes to create a new order by adding / saving addresses to the accounts Address Book. This is done so by accessing the Address Book menu tab, and adding, editing, or deleting addresses. During the address creation process you will be asked to define the location type (pickup, delivery, or both). This determines what saved options are available when creating new orders in both the pickup and delivery sections.
Pickup and delivery locations can be set as the account default, which if selected will prepopulate the pickup or delivery section of the new order form.
Finally, you may have the Private Address Book feature enabled as part of your user account. This means you can save addresses to a private book that will not show information to other users who share your account.
Enter your shipment information. Many Reliable Runners customers prefer to add information for department or reference to be able to better track shipment spend and other details. References can be used for tracking and reporting purposes. Some examples are client names or numbers, patient names or numbers, purchase order names or numbers. If you do not use these data points, please contact Reliable Runners at (440) 578-7000 and press 0 to speak with a representative so that these fields can be set to non-required.
Please note: The service type and vehicle type options are connected. Certain service types are only available with certain vehicles.
The choices that show by default for service type, vehicle type, pickup date, and delivery date can all be managed as part of your user profile (my profile menu option).
Please be sure to review Reliable Runner’s terms and conditions as they apply to declared value.
Packaging options shown here are managed by Reliable Runners. If you need additional options added to fit your needs, please contact Reliable Runner.
In the Auto-Notification section, you can elect to add email notifications to multiple recipients for shipping progress.